Evil White Tiger

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hello out there

Goodevening to you all.
Who I am talking to I am not sure as I have yet to tell anyone that I have started a blog.
My reasons for starting one are:
1) My girlfriend has one. (That would be Colleen.)
2) I have decided to bore as many people with the things that are happening in my life.
3) To shamelessly plug my up and coming Web comic called Every Day Gods. (If you wish to see a little of the work I have set up a store at https://www.cafepress.com/everydaygods ) The strip will be free to read, but I did this in order to try and motivate myself to get things rolling. I want to have at least 6 months of daily comics ready before I go live in order to avoid any missed days.

And even though my longest reason is number 3, the first two are actually the more important reasons... well because I felt like it is more likely the best reason.

So if you are reading this....
Thank you, I feel more important that way.


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