Evil White Tiger

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Work fun

So today at work I got a "Please Rate Yourself" sheet to fill out and return. Now this is not for a review, but a way for our new manager to get to know us. I hate these things.
Concidering I have a bit of a self-esteem problem (I'm sure many of my friends would be glad to varify that) so trying to not under rate myself is hard. But I also don't want to seem like I am trying to make myself look better than I am. *Sigh* Like I said I hate them.

Okay I am done ranting on that. More actual fun stuff to come.


  • A BIT hard on yourself? You? Nah...

    Perhaps you should let me look over it so I can make sure you're not denigrating yourself too badly.

    By Blogger Colleen, at 8:15 AM  

  • I was actually thinking that.

    By Blogger Obsydian Stitch, at 2:36 PM  

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