Evil White Tiger

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Art, sort of.

I debated for a bit whether this would actually come under the heading of Art, to be included in this blog, but then I realized two things.
1) Acting is art
2) It's my damned blog. ;)

Okay no more cryptic messages.
I tried out and made it into a Community Theater production of Cats.
Wooo Hooo!!!!
I am playing the part of Macavity.
Yup I am the closest thing to a villain in the musical.
People have said I am being typecast.
During this production I will be working on my own make up, so at some point I will post a picture of what my costume and make up looks like once I know what it is.

If you are interested in seeing the production go to the Heritage Theater Site.

Death and T-shirts

So I had been given a task, a request one might say, to create a shirt based on one of the characters in the Everyday Gods comic.
And in the process thought of a version that will be going on sale to the public. (Having made sure the original idea maker was okay with me modifying it and selling it.)
I began with a cookie, yup a cookie.
Added Death from the comic eating a cookie.
And then the saying....
Give Me Cookies Or Give Me Apocalypse
It turned out looking like a lot of fun, well to me anyway.

I will let everyone know when it will be available for sale.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

So, I haven't exactly been writing here a lot, so I guess it is time for an update on art in my life.

I have of course been writing and drawing Everyday Gods (www.everydaygods.org), however there may be a few changes to the writing style soon. I have been writing with the viewer in mind, however I think I may have been doing so to much. Recently I have been reading another comic in book form, which had notes from the writer. He had mentioned that a lot of what he wrote were things he thought were funny even if he wasn't sure that the rest of the world would get the jokes, and a lot of what he wrote were odd reflections of his own life.
This reminded me of some of my old writings. A friend once said that to read my stories, you could tell I wrote a lot of my real life feelings into them. And I liked the old stories. And if I am to believe the people that read them, they liked them too. So I may go back to that in Everyday Gods. Write some of the things I think are funny, add my own experiences into the comic, and hope that it is humorous to everyone that reads it. At this point I really should just write for my own amusement anyway as I am not sure how many readers I actually have. ;)

Other projects that I am working on.... well.... one sort of ties into Everyday Gods. I drew a filler day comic of my wife as a Transformer. She asked me to paint a Hot Wheels monster truck as the monster truck in the drawing. I am almost done with it and will post a picture when it is finished.
Surprisingly that is really all I am doing art wise....
I am starting a new book, and will talk more on that when I have more.... I guess that is kind of a d'uh statement huh.....
A second story idea has also started. It will be a fantasy story for kids. I am going to write it for my step-daughter, and see how it turns out.

Well, I think I shouldn't have written this while I am this tired, but oh well.
Have a good day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

So I am still here

So a friend has pointed out that I have not posted in a while. Bad me.
So anyway, here is a bit of an update or at least of my art projects.

I managed to add a couple of pieces of art to the art show at CONvergence. (Where I also hold the Wonka party.) I was able to sell 4 of my 7 pieces. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of them before I sold them. So I don't have pictures of them. However I did take a couple pictures of my Beautiful Tiger dressed as a weretiger. I painted the outfit, designed and applied the make-up.

This was in early July. In late July, I got married. To the wonderful woman that was dressed as the weretiger. We got married in Vegas. I designed our invitations, and drew the characters that we used to represent the wedding. Jessica Rabbit signifies Jules, while Stitch dressed as the Phantom of the Opera represents me.

As I was out in Vegas, I took multiple pictures some of which I used to do a story line in Everyday Gods. Here is an example.

After the fun, but busy July, I started working at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, looking for a normal job also, and also working on the house. I have not been able to do a lot in the way of art except the comic. I have a few projects that I am looking forward to starting, and will update as I get them going.

Also I am happy to say that Everyday Gods has made it past its 100th episode and I am well on my way to the 200th. Soon I will be beginning a storyline I came up with this morning. I just like it so much that I want to get it in soon. This has happened a couple of times already. I have ended up adding story lines as I go for a while now. In fact the story I am in the middle of was originally scheduled for early May.
Of course the storyline that involves the Loki files, was originally conceived due to reader response. It got back to me that a good deal of my readers did not know most of the Gods that had been spotlighted in the comic. So I made the Loki Files. I hope to get more feedback eventually.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


So to start with, here are a couple of better pictures of the new tattoos. The first one is the Tiger that is on Beautiful Tiger's shoulder. Mine is identical and in the same spot.

The second picture is the Kanji again, with less glare from the flash. This is Beautiful Tigers left arm, and shoulder.

This last one is a new tattoo, that my friend/family member got that is also my design. It is based on a tattoo that Beautiful Tiger has on her leg. This tattoo is on his right arm.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Kanji and Tigers and Tattoos oh my...

So last Sunday, Beautiful Tiger and I got matching tattoos. We bought them for each other as engagement gifts. They are my design, and some of the detail is lost in these pictures, but they were done quickly and the A&D ointment caused glare. I will post a better picture when we have time to have it taken. It is hard to see, but in the stripes, the kanji for Eternal can be seen, and at the end of the tail, a celtic rune for love is there.

Then Beautiful Tiger also go these kanji on her left arm, the top one is Beautiful, and the bottom one is Tiger.

Like mine, I stylized these, but obviously did not create the kanji themselves.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A couple more pieces

So a few more things that I have done recently:

The first is attached to the last post. When I proposed to Beautiful Tiger, I drew her a picture of Stitch, but not just any Stitch... Introducing Stitch of the Opera...

And then about a month ago, I had my first tattoo done. It is a symple Kanji meaning "Master", but I made it a little more stylized. It is on my left shoulder.

There will be more coming soon.

I know there are more tattoos that will be done soon, one of which will be another on me. Plus I have more art coming, for Everyday Gods, Convergence, Wonka's Night Out, and my Wedding.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Believe it or not...

So for those of you who read this, and not my Livejournal I give you the news....

So I am trying to figure out how best to say this... so I am just going to blurt it out....
I asked Beautiful Tiger to marry me.
And she said YES!!!!

We will be having the ceremony, the extremely small ceremony in Vegas, and a small honeymoon. Then we will return to have a commitment ceremony for the family ( pisces3857, Beautiful Tiger, and myself) and then a large party for friends and family.

We are very happy, and excited about the event. :)

We are planning for late July, and will keep everyone posted.