Evil White Tiger

Monday, April 10, 2006

More unimportant ramblings

So lately I have been playing Kingdom Hearts II. For those of you that played the first one and liked it, I highly suggest the sequel. It is as good if not better than the first. Colleen and I picked it up only a couple of weeks ago, and we already are near the end. (After 35 hours of game play) In fact we are trying to get all of the side quests done (in order to get a secret ending.) and then the last battle and we’re done. It has been a very good story, and there was a twist that actually surprised me, which is not easy in video games.

This weekend was one of my gaming weekends. Saturday was a game I actually play in instead of run. Most of the game I sat off to myself however, mainly because I just could not get into character. I wasn’t sure why, a combination of not feeling up to playing, and completely at a loss of what to do in the game. Eventually I was able to get into character, sort of, but it seemed I did not have all the information that my character needed so I had a bunch of conversations that should not have happened, which did not help with the difficulty of wanting to be there. I don’t blame anyone for the mistake, due to a illness that seems to be going around, no one is really at the top of their form lately.

Then on Sunday I ran the second session of my D&D world. It was interesting, though it is interesting to see the different personalities of the players, and how they interact. Then add the fact some of the characters don’t interact well, though that is understandable. (Not that they are causing problems, they are all trying to find ways to work together.)

A connection with the Kingdom Hearts II paragraph, (Even I won’t call that a lot of information) one of the sections of the game places you in the Tron world. This has inspired a paint job on my Chaos Eldar for Warhammer 40K. I am going to be painting a blue undercoat and black patches on top. I like the way the look is coming out so far, and will add pictures when the first one is finished. I will still be going with the Drow look though for hair and skin tone.
I hope to work on it some tonight, though I am not feeling the greatest unfortunately, so I’ll see how that goes. I may just need to take it easy, though as Colleen will tell you that is hard for me to do.