Evil White Tiger

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A better picture

I still argue that Beautiful Tiger looks good in both the pictures I put up yesterday, but I will admit that this one catches her inner personality better than the other shot of her alone.

This last weekend was wonderful, more than I could have ever hoped for.
Saturday evening, I went out on my first official date with Jules (Beautiful Tiger). Now we both find this funny as we had gotten together a couple of times before this, and both of us had already developed deeper feelings for each other, but neither had admitted this to the other. But that I found out later.
We were originally going to go to Bucca, but the place was packed before we got there. I know, I know, your asking, but Daniel didn’t you make reservations? No as an idiot, I am not allowed to remember such a thing until the morning of. When I called, they had already been booked until late, but were still taking walk-ins which is why we still tried. When we couldn’t find a parking spot, Beautiful Tiger had another Italian place that she liked, so we went there. It was a nice little place that had good pizza.
While we were there we were able to talk quite a bit, and I really enjoyed her company.
Not that I ever had any doubt. We ended up staying together until late, or one might say early Sunday morning. She wanted to make sure and be home in the morning, so had to leave around 3:30.

The next evening was New Years. Colleen, (Firerose) was up all night on the 30th to finish the Zoot suit for Becca (Shoryl). So our initial plan had been to go to two parties in which we had been invited, but only stay for a short time so we could get Firerose back home and into bed.
The first party worked the way we figured, we stopped by and I took up the challenge of DDR, and was beaten soundly. I was introduced to a wonderful drink though, Pomegranate liquor. Shortly after that, the drunken revelry became a bit much and we decided to move on to the next party.
Beautiful Tiger had invited us to this party, but we did not really know all that many people there. Firerose got to see her Zoot suit in full action, as this was the party that Shoryl had wanted the suit for. It turned out extremely well.
For most of the night Firerose cuddled with Shoryl, but that worked out, because I was able to get a lot of time with Beautiful Tiger, which I enjoyed a great deal.
It was a good night when midnight hit. I got to start with a kiss from Firerose, and then one from Beautiful Tiger and a kiss on the cheek from Shoryl. Though someone… I think it may have been me actually, joked about me dipping Shoryl. So I did, and many pictures were taken. Beautiful Tiger wanted her turn, and I was happy to oblige, and then I asked to dip Firerose, and was able to. (I will have to post those pictures later.) Then as a joke I asked Ish (I’ll have to come up with a nickname later) if he wanted to be dipped, he said no, but asked if I had been. Then proceeded to dip me. It was a good time all around.
Earlier in the night I had gotten to spend some time with Beautiful Tiger’s daughter, which was fun. Sammy (Little Tiger) was a little bored when I found her, she had been watching Charmed, but when I found her, she had been moved from the TV room temporarily due to someone needed to use the shower in the same room. (Long story for another time.) But she ended up attacking me, and we rough housed until the room was available to her again. She was happy I was in heels, because I was easier to knock over.Here are a couple of pictures from the party, first a picture of Beautiful Tiger, which will show why I call her such…

Then a picture of her and I together…
Firerose and I ended up staying until 4:00 that morning, and I enjoyed my time meeting new people, spending time with Fireose and Beautiful Tiger.
And I’m not going to explain this in detail, but I will always love the memory of two guys looking at myself and Beautiful Tiger saying, “What are you doing to her. I can see both of your hands.” My response was a magician never reveals his secrets. Suffice to say Beautiful Tiger liked that response.
The next day I got on-line hopping to have heard from Beautiful Tiger, and I got lucky. She was on-line and I could chat with her. I found out she had planned to spend the evening with her daughter, but would be able to go to dinner if we all went. So I talked to Firerose because there was a game on we would usually watch together, however it all worked out, because she was hoping to spend some time with Shoryl. So I went over to Beautiful Tiger’s and found out that Little Tiger went to a friends place. So we went to dinner by ourselves. After dinner we went back to her place. Earlier in the week I had told Beautiful Tiger that I was not going to tell her I loved her first, because I did not want to scare her off. But that night I looked at her and said I wanted to say something but promised I wouldn’t. She looked back at me and said that she loved me. I was stunned, and overwhelmed by emotion. Somehow I had won a place in her heart. I told her I loved her also and emotions ran high. I am so glad we found each other.
So there it was, a wonderful weekend.
This New Year is starting off better than I could have ever hoped. I have two beautiful women that I love, and they love me, and I am hope to keep them in my life for a long time to come.