Evil White Tiger

Monday, March 27, 2006

Well not a lot to report this time, though last time I thought that I rambled longer than I thought I would.

So Friday Colleen and I went out to get new dice for the D&D game that I am started this Sunday. We got some really cool looking dice. (Yeah I am a geek, what is worse I think mine roll well for me… well most of the time, there was a humorous incident in which an NPC kept falling off of a rope.) Colleen got some rust colored dice and I got some Ice blue dice. We than went and got material to make dice bags, which with some direction I was able to put mine together, but unfortunately due to only having one sewing machine Colleen was not able to finish hers. Though I think mine was a bit of an experiment anyway.
Saturday was the LARP that I run, and that was interesting. There was much carnage, though I am not one of those Game Masters that enjoys taking out player characters, almost half of the game lost characters. It was chaos.
Sunday we started my D&D game based on my own world. It has begun fairly well, all of the characters are at least starting to work together even if they are not fully civil to one another.
I have been worried lately that I have been loosing my touch as a GM, and that my creativity has been lacking, though I think the new game has energized me, and I am bringing that energy into other games.
The other nice thing about the game starting is that I only have a few more things to do for it, and then I can start focusing more on Everyday Gods. The biggest block I have had with the comic is how to start it. Finally about two weeks ago I finally figured it out. Now I would explain what that is, but I want everyone to be surprised when I finally get it up and running.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

More stuff

So a lot has happened in the last few weeks since my last post. I’ll try and split it up in sections so if you wish to skip portions you can.

First on the “Everyday Gods” front:
Last month was the Colleen and my fourth anniversary, and as a gift she bought me the domain name www.everydaygods.com for five years. One step closer for the web comic becoming a reality. The only hang up that I still have is trying to figure out how to speed up the actual process from drawing to computer drawing. My hope is to eventually have one of the laptops that has a stylus, so I can just “draw” straight into the computer, (As I have a problem free handing with the mouse) but unfortunately that is a way off as the cheapest version is over 1,200 dollars. Oh well, the fact that I now have the domain name, has put a new fire under me to get going. My goal is to get six months of the comic done before I go live to avoid any gaps in the comic itself.

Warhammer 40K
I have started my Corrupted Eldar force, which I have not taken a picture of yet, though all I have done so far is put four Guardian’s together. (Not that anyone who doesn’t play will have any idea what that means.) One of the reasons I had waited to do an Eldar army, is the fact I did not like the look of the models. I did not like the cone head look. So the main conversion I am doing on them, is clipping the top of the heads off and modeling hair, so it looks like the helmets cover the face. I think the look is working so far, I just have to see what they look like once I paint them. (Which I hope to do in jewel tones, and dark colors. The hair will be white, and any skin showing will be dark grey/black. For those D&D fans out there I am trying a Drow look.)

Role Playing
So at the moment I am running two different games. One is a LARP based on the original White Wolf, World Of Darkness with a lot of my own twists. For instance at the moment the supernatural community of Minnesota are trying to make a cohesive government with a very powerful mage as the leader. Gwyn, the mage, is a clone of one of the character’s “deceased” husband. Getting everyone to work together is difficult, and the characters are having to deal with an enigmatic “villain” named Natura, who seems bent on the destruction of all super natural. The last major thing Natura and his group did was introduce a mystical virus into the supernatural population, which began changing their race randomly. Vampires became werewolves, werewolves became changelings, etc. The characters were eventually able to figure that out, but have yet to find out the purpose behind it.
The second game technically has not begun yet but will this weekend. It is a game using the Dungeon and Dragons rule set, but a world of my own devising called Cathend. I don’t’ have as much to say about that yet, but I will hopefully keep a running story as they advance through the game.

Well work is work. It has not been great lately. My stress levels have been rising steadily, I just hope that I will be moving away from the front desk soon, which is what I have been told. It is just hard to believe it will actually happen until it does.
Well that is good for now I think, I will write more later when I can think of more interesting things to say, that would not get me in trouble or embarrass anyone.