Evil White Tiger

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cats day 2

Technically this would be day 4, however I am a bit behind. Today I will post about Friday evening and include a few pictures. Friday was the second evening that Reivyn was in her new home with us. After the extreme hissing of Thursday evening I was a bit worried about letting Reivyn roam the house. (We had given her, her own room. Those that are arriving from Colleen's blog have seen pictures of the room, it is her sewing room.)
However we let her come out and explore. Once again when Reivyn approched Willow, he hissed a great deal. Reivyn was very scared. In fact for a while she was hiding with me or...

hiding behind my boots. Either way she stayed on the other side of the room from Willow. He on the other hand he...

Watched her with interest from the couch. Leia on the other hand...

watched from under the desk in the next room. She was very curious, but did not want the new member to come close.

Tomorrow I will try and post about the third day. As a hint of how things went, and another idea of how small Reivyn is, especially compared to Willow, I leave you with one more picture.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Family Member

Hello all out there in blog land.
Introducing the newest member of the Mohr/Palmer household.
She is just over 8 weeks old in these pictures.

And for size comparisen...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Xenosaga Review

Xenosaga III was finally released at the end of August, and after about 45 hours of game play, we (Colleen and I) have finally finished the main story. (There are still some side quests that we need to finish.)
For those of you who may not have heard of Xenosaga, it is a series of games for the Play Station 2. A friend of mine got me hooked on the first game years ago, and I have been a loyal fan ever since. I am so bad that I have decided to make a Warhammer 40K army based on the game.

(I apologize now for the fact I do not review things well…)

I don’t want to go into to much detail, because if you are either playing the game of thinking of playing I do not want to spoil anything for you. However it has a very rich and complex story line, which does span all three games. It is possible to play just one, but you will not have the full story.

The first game, had a good amount of Cut Scenes, and the battle system was pretty good. (Though I am more interested in the story myself.) The art was very good, and more of an anime style, which I felt worked for the game. Also, I thought the voice talent they got for the game was great. (In fact one of the villain’s have entered Colleen’s favorite male actors list, and we have searched for stuff he has done.)

The second game was a little disappointing, but only compared to the first one. I still enjoyed the game but they changed a lot that I did not like. They tried to make the art more realistic for one. It is still good; I just preferred the original style. They cut down the Cut Scenes, which again is one of the main reasons I enjoyed the first game. The battle system also changed, to something called a break system. For each enemy there is a certain order of attacks that must be made in order to Break the enemy. Now on it’s own that isn’t a problem, however to make the battle go quickly this is the only way to do it. I even got to level 99 and attacked some of the first enemies in the game, and it took almost the same amount of time. (In most games if you get to that level, the early enemies became a cakewalk, not true in this system.) It made it so fighting really became repetitive, and leveling up didn’t really help out all that much. I stress I still loved the game, just not as much as the first one.

The third installment made up for the fall back of the second. They found a good middle ground between the two previous games. The art looked better than the second game, though it was still done in a more realistic style. The cut scenes were great, and the combat system was improved. (Though I have never had to worry about ether points in a game before, but that is more my style of play, I was never a big magic user. In this game things called tech attacks cost ether.) I loved this installment as much as the first. It is possible to play it on it’s own, as they do provide a synopsis of the first two games, however I would highly suggest that you actually play them all in order to get the most out of the story, it will be more intense if you have seen the whole story. Speaking of story one other nice addition to the third game, is that once you have seen a cut scene you can go back and watch it again at any time.

All in all, the whole trilogy is a great buy. Originally it was supposed to be six games long, but because of the low sales of the second game, they decided to do it in three games. However there is hope. From the beginning there was rumor that the story would span thousands of years, and more recently there was rumor that they may have a second trilogy that would continue the story. Now after finishing the game, there are a few (not many though) questions that were left unanswered, and the ones left unanswered were not extremely important for the story. However adding the fact there are still a few questions, and just the way the story ends, there is definite possibilities for a sequel set of games. This has definite ending for a story though; so don’t worry about feeling left hanging. I’d say more, but like I said I don’t want to spoil anything.

For those of you interested in Warhammer 40K, or Xenosaga enough to be interested, I will post pictures of the Xenosaga Army as I go. For those of you who have played the game, I am basing the main part of my force on U-tic, so my soldiers will be U-tic soldiers, the ones in purple and black.