Evil White Tiger

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Everyday Gods Continues

So I finally got the computer that allows me to draw straight into it.
I love it.
I have almost everything set up on it so I can go into overdrive with it. I have experimented a bit already and finished one more comic and almost finished a second one. During the second one it will be interesting to watch as my art style changes as I get used to the computer. I was thinking of changing the rest, but I thought it would be interesting to see the progression, both from my perspective, and the audience, if I ever get one. :)
Here is hoping.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nanowrimo Update 1

So at the start of the day on November 7, I am at a word count of 14,440.
In order to reach 50,000 words by the end of the month, I would need to average about 1,667 words a day, so at this point I am actually a couple of days ahead. I hope to continue to gain extra days. (That way I can keep weekends open to spend time with Colleen when she is able.)

The working title is Universal Sands…

In a universe were the Egyptian empire continued to grow, enveloping the entire planet and reaching out into space, a young mage name Sethos is about to have his world thrown into chaos.
When he is assigned to be an assistant to a murder investigation, he will find out more than he ever dreamed of. Zatyat, the investigator will open his eyes to some of the true dangers and wonders in the universe and how deep the corruption goes.When things could not get worse, Sethos finds that he must try and help stop plans that could toss the human race into a time of apocalypse, and decide what he truly believes in.

(After someone else reads the story I'll see if they will write a blurb for it.)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

So I have finally reemerged.
It has been a busy month, which is why I did not get back like I wanted to.

First of all Reivyn update:
Willow has finally gotten used to the little one. He will actually play with her for a while before he finally gets tired of it and tries to run away from her. I do stress tries. She usually runs after him. He does eventually get annoyed and hisses, but never attacks her out of anger.
Leia on the other had does not want the little one around her at all. If Reivyn comes within her space she hisses, and runs. If Reivyn continues to harass Leia, Leia will finally attack. No really harm has come of this yet, because Leia is not trying to hurt her as much as just make Reivyn run, or get enough space so Leia can run.

Leia unfortunately did come down with some illness that was causing her eye to weep, and eventually swell. As soon as the swelling began we brought her into the vet. We got medication, an ointment that I had to put in her eye everyday. She was not happy about that, but never once tried to bite or scratch me, she was a little trooper. I am also happy to say that she seems to be healed. Her eye has not been weeping for a few days now, and the swelling went away over a week ago.

Everyday Gods:
Well the comic itself has not been advancing as fast as I would like but that is about to change. Unfortunately I have been balancing Work, love, gaming, and trying to get this comic up and running. At this point it has been a long process to accomplish even one drawing. I would need to draw it, ink it, scan it, clean it on the computer, and then color it. This could take up to a couple hours for a single drawing. (I will admit that it could take as little as 45 minutes it I hurried.) However that is still a lot of time to spend, and I would be willing to if I had it.
Now I have a solution on the horizon. Some of you may have heard of Tablet PCs. It is basically a laptop with a stylus. This allows me to draw straight into the computer, which is much faster. In fact Ryan and I ran out to look at them the other night, and he watched me do a very quick drawing in about 30 seconds. Now compared to the 45 minutes that is much faster. So with that technology I could get much farther, much faster.
If you are eagerly awaiting the strip becoming active, here is the good news: I have a couple of people that believe in my art enough to loan me the money to get the Tablet PC. I should be working with it in just over a week! Hooray!
My goal now is as soon as I get the machine is to try and get as many of the strips done and have it up and running by SuperCon. For those not in the know, SuperCon is over Superbowl Weekend so I hope to have the site up by February.
Another interesting thing concerning Everyday Gods, ties into my Birthday party. (To read more on that continue to later in this post.) For my guests I made Everyday Gods Collectable Spools. That’s right spools. Colleen and I got some wooden Spools, and I painted a character on each one. The characters that made it on were:
(2) Scythe
(5) Arianrhod
(2) Thor
(2) Loki
(2) Yahweh
(1) The Devil
(1) Mars
(2) Horus
(2) Bast
(3) Apollo
(1) Hermes
(3) Anubis
It took me 13 hours to get all 26 done. Colleen has almost a complete set because we had leftovers from the party, I believe she is only missing a Bast, Mars, and Devil. So I will be making 3 more. That means there will be a total of 29. So if you really like Everyday Gods, you now know that these are out there somewhere. And for those SuperCon goers, I may make one complete set for the charity auction that is going to be there, so by then there may be more.

It finally happen, I became 30 years old this year. So many people have said, “Oh turning 30 was such a depressing time.” Eh. It is another year to me, and just a number. However this year Colleen threw me a birthday/costume party. She has tried to do surprise parties in the past, but it never stayed a secret. So this year I knew and we invited a lot of people, most of who actually showed up. It was a great deal of fun, and I thank her again for that. I dressed up as myself. Well sort of. I dressed up as Evil. For those of you finding this blog, my nickname is Evil, so I dressed as I would if I could. A few of my friends dressed up as my minions, all in purple and black. Her is a picture of Evil and his Minions: Top Row – Evil’s Tailor (Colleen, I like the outfit ;) ), Igor (Ryan), Evil (me). Bottom Row – Evil’s Bartender (Becca, who actually did the bartending, she had a drink called Green Dragon which was good.)

Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month):
Once again I am attempting this. Writing 50,000 words (in book form) in 30 days.This is my third attempt. Today would be day 2, and I am at just over 3,000 words. So I am on my way. I will post some of the book later.

Well that is all I can think about at the moment, I will hopefully be more active here though I seem to always say that. I do want to keep more of a running blog as I create and get Everyday Gods running, so here is hoping.

And to leave you with As Thor Would Say…