Evil White Tiger

Saturday, May 27, 2006

First Pre Everyday Gods

So I am still working on Everyday Gods, but I want to get a lot of them done before I actually put it on line. However there are current events that I wanted to comment on, so I am making a few Pre-Everyday Gods strips when something in the news really sparks an idea.
I own the web address but not a host at the moment, so until I have that I will post them here.
Hope you enjoy it.

(Editors note: Sorry that you have to click on the picture to read it, but this is the largest bloger will upload. Also once you click on it, make sure to bring it to full size to get the best look. Thanks.)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Word verification

I am sorry that I am adding word verification in order to leave comments on the blog, but I have gotten spammed.
Grrr, not happy.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Miniature Painting: Chaos Eldar 1st Attempt

Okay, today I finally have pictures of the Chaos Eldar conversions and a finished model.
This first picture is what the normal model would look like. It is close to the real size (the others will be close ups so look bigger.) and is straight off of the box.

This next picture is how I put this model together. I clipped the top of the head off and used green stuff to model the hair. I liked the way it ended up. The hair will be used on all of my models.

Then finally this is the final product. Looking at the close up shots I am a bit disappointed with the black paint coverage, though it looks better farther away. (For instance if you look at the side bar with the smaller pictures.)

I got the idea for the paint scheme from Disney’s Tron. (Well technically I got it from the video game Kingdom Hearts II, which had a Tron world. Donald Duck in a Tron like outfit was cool and funny at the same time.) I will eventually do other squads with different base colors also so the lines will be red, yellow, etc.

There is another experiment going on now also. Let me tell you a short story.
Colleen and I were at JoAnn Fabrics looking for Wonka’s Night Out stuff, and while she was looking at patterns, I walked over to the paints. I found a glow in the dark gloss. I thought, oh that is neat, but put it back and went back to Colleen. When I mentioned it to her, she immediately said, “Oh that would be neat, especially if you were to use it on the blue, and then paint the black over it, so only the blue part glows.” I hung my head in shame, for I hadn’t thought of that. I headed back to the aisle and picked up a bottle.
I will keep everyone informed to see how it goes and try to get a picture of it.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Too much stuff to do

So I looked at my last entry and realized it was almost a month ago.
I have to get better at posting.
With so much to do, one would think I would have a lot to talk about, yet don’t have a lot of time to do so. (Hard to take time at work most of the time, and all of the stuff I am doing takes away time from non-work time…. man I can’t seem to write coherently at the moment.)

Anyway a quick list of things that are happening:

Running two role-playing games:
1 Live Action Old World of Darkness game
2 Table top Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 game in my own world.

Creating a Party room for Convergence (Sci-fi/Fantasy Convention) based on the Charlie and the Chocolate factory. See Colleen's blog for costuming information as well as other information. A lot of decorations will be discussed here. (I have recently been voted head of this party rooms committee, so I may add things here just to remind me of things that need to be done.)
Right now Ryan and I are working on Lollypop trees. (I will add a picture of the current state, and materials later.)
We have plans to make Starburst walking stones, a large candy bar (made from a bedspring), a chocolate fountain, etc.
We have bought very bright pillows for one corner.

Painting up armies for Warhammer 40K. One for myself and one for a friend of mine. The one for my friend was the Lizardmen Tau army that I featured two of the models in an earlier post. However he has changed his mind, and we will be working on a Rejects of the Tyranid race. It should be fun.
My army is an Eldar army with a fallen to chaos theme. On the side bar you will see (or at least when I wrote this…) some of the initial work on the army. I will have a few pictures to add when I can upload them of a couple finished models.
And last but not least, (or at least the last thing I am talking about today) is Everyday Gods. The web comic I am bound and determined to get up and running. I have not been able to work on that nearly as much as I want to, but I am trying to work on it when I can. Hopefully soon I will be able to dedicate more time to it. Here is a sneak peak.