Evil White Tiger

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Too much stuff to do

So I looked at my last entry and realized it was almost a month ago.
I have to get better at posting.
With so much to do, one would think I would have a lot to talk about, yet don’t have a lot of time to do so. (Hard to take time at work most of the time, and all of the stuff I am doing takes away time from non-work time…. man I can’t seem to write coherently at the moment.)

Anyway a quick list of things that are happening:

Running two role-playing games:
1 Live Action Old World of Darkness game
2 Table top Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 game in my own world.

Creating a Party room for Convergence (Sci-fi/Fantasy Convention) based on the Charlie and the Chocolate factory. See Colleen's blog for costuming information as well as other information. A lot of decorations will be discussed here. (I have recently been voted head of this party rooms committee, so I may add things here just to remind me of things that need to be done.)
Right now Ryan and I are working on Lollypop trees. (I will add a picture of the current state, and materials later.)
We have plans to make Starburst walking stones, a large candy bar (made from a bedspring), a chocolate fountain, etc.
We have bought very bright pillows for one corner.

Painting up armies for Warhammer 40K. One for myself and one for a friend of mine. The one for my friend was the Lizardmen Tau army that I featured two of the models in an earlier post. However he has changed his mind, and we will be working on a Rejects of the Tyranid race. It should be fun.
My army is an Eldar army with a fallen to chaos theme. On the side bar you will see (or at least when I wrote this…) some of the initial work on the army. I will have a few pictures to add when I can upload them of a couple finished models.
And last but not least, (or at least the last thing I am talking about today) is Everyday Gods. The web comic I am bound and determined to get up and running. I have not been able to work on that nearly as much as I want to, but I am trying to work on it when I can. Hopefully soon I will be able to dedicate more time to it. Here is a sneak peak.


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