Evil White Tiger

Monday, July 17, 2006

Wonka's Night Out, Wow

So we finally put on Wonka's Night Out at Convergence, and it went much better than any of us expected.
See Colleen's blog for details on the party itself, with a link to pictures. (She is better at this bloging thing.)
I had an absolute blast playing Willy Wonka for the weekend, and no one recognized me.
I'm still not sure how many people actually know if was me playing the character, which is a complement in itself, but no one say, man that was really good. :) Oh well the important thing is we all had fun putting it on. Ryan did great as the Oompa Loompa.
As I said we were surprised by the turn out. We expected to only need one person despensing drinks, chocolate, etc while Ryan and I entertained. We ended up needing a minimum of two, usually three people working. Like I said we were a bit surprised.
Hopefully soon we will have our Web site up and running, so if you would like to visit go to Wonka's Night Out the Web Site, to keep up with what will hoepfully become a reoccuring party at CONvergence.

We have been mentioned a few places, another blog, and the Asian American Press.


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