Evil White Tiger

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

On a different note...

So one of my other hobbies is Warhammer 40K. I plan on getting into fantasy eventually, but it is not exactally cheep. At the moment I am working on a friends army. It is going to be using the Tau rules, but the models will be a combination of Lizardmen (from the fantasy line) and Tau.

So far I have done two models completely. A "Fire Warrior" and one of the Battle Suits which is going to be Lizardmen riding Cold Ones.

This would be the Fire Warrior.

And this would be the battle suit.

I will try and keep up with the army as it grows.
Also when I begin my army I will add pictures here. For those who play, I am going to make an Evil Eldar army. Not a Dark Eldar army, but a craft world that has fallen. It will use the Eldar rules, but the models will be modified. My first idea will involve the guardians. As I am not a fan of the cone head look, I will be removing the tops of the helmets and adding hair.

Lex Caliber Helmet

So here is the finished product for Lex Caliber's Helmet. It took about seven hours to complete.

This is the right side of the helmet. It is what will be out towards the audience most of the time.

This is the left side...

And this is the back.

So know all I have to do is show it to the person that will be wearing it.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Unexpected Work

So a friend of mine is on a Roller Derby team, and she asked me to paint her helmet for her. I did so (completely forgeting to take a picture of it) and it turned out pretty good. I was trying for a dragon's head though I think it looks more like a snake. Anyway her teamates liked it and now I have be commisioned to do at least one more. This will be an Excaliber motif. The helmet will be painted like water, with the derby name on one side, and the lady of the lake rising out of ther otherside holding aloft Excaliber. I will post a picture of it when I am done. I will be getting the helmet on Saturday, and will need to finish it by Wednesday. Wish me luck.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Work fun

So today at work I got a "Please Rate Yourself" sheet to fill out and return. Now this is not for a review, but a way for our new manager to get to know us. I hate these things.
Concidering I have a bit of a self-esteem problem (I'm sure many of my friends would be glad to varify that) so trying to not under rate myself is hard. But I also don't want to seem like I am trying to make myself look better than I am. *Sigh* Like I said I hate them.

Okay I am done ranting on that. More actual fun stuff to come.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hello out there

Goodevening to you all.
Who I am talking to I am not sure as I have yet to tell anyone that I have started a blog.
My reasons for starting one are:
1) My girlfriend has one. (That would be Colleen.)
2) I have decided to bore as many people with the things that are happening in my life.
3) To shamelessly plug my up and coming Web comic called Every Day Gods. (If you wish to see a little of the work I have set up a store at https://www.cafepress.com/everydaygods ) The strip will be free to read, but I did this in order to try and motivate myself to get things rolling. I want to have at least 6 months of daily comics ready before I go live in order to avoid any missed days.

And even though my longest reason is number 3, the first two are actually the more important reasons... well because I felt like it is more likely the best reason.

So if you are reading this....
Thank you, I feel more important that way.